CHANGELOG ========= ### [BC BREAK] 2014-02-25 * Refactored ``SonataUserBundle:Security:login.html.twig`` template to add twig blocks and change layout. * Added a registration form handling solution (configuration has changed as well but default values are present). ### [BC BREAK] 2014-01-21 * Refactored ``SonataUserBundle:Security:login.html.twig`` & ``SonataUserBundle:Block:account.html.twig`` templates to replace {% render controller(...) %} calls by {% render url(...) %} calls. * Added routing files to fully override FOSUser routing & controllers. * Added controllers to fullyu override FOSUser controllers. * Those overrides are optionnal, see documentation to see which routing files use depending on your usage. ### [BC BREAK] 2014-01-06 * Refactored ``SonataUserBundle:Security:login.html.twig`` & ``SonataUserBundle:Block:account.html.twig`` templates to add Bootstrap3 classes support. ### [BC BREAK] 2013-10-16 * Refactored SonataUserBundle:Profile:edit_authentication.html.twig & SonataUserBundle:Profile:edit_profile.html.twig templates Those templates are now embedding the profile menu block and extending base action.html.twig template. You'll need to add the following to the sonata_block configuration: sonata_block: blocks: ### [BC BREAK] 2013-05-06 * User's groups roles are not merged anymore when editing `User` entity. A `getRealRoles()` method has been added in `Sonata\UserBundle\Model\User` and is now used in `Sonata\UserBundle\Admin\UserAdmin`. If you still want to merge user's groups roles, you can: * add a `getRealRoles()` in your entity by overriding `Sonata\UserBundle\Model\User` method and referencing `getRoles()` parent method ### 2012-09-24 * changed service parameters into options that come through the configuration with the old values as the new defaults. ### [BC BREAK] 2012-07-21 * change impersonating definition, now the url is defined as a configuration, you don't need to create a custom route anymore. * remove ``sonata_user_impersonating`` from the routing file * add ``impersonating_route`` into the ``sonata_user`` configuration section ### 2012-06-08 * Introduce new field for user: firstname, lastname, gender, etc ... * add frontend edition of profile information